Choose who you are going to be, then make it happen.

Warning – I am passionate, I will swear – they are just words, grow up.

If you are reading this and can say you are honestly content, please leave, this isn’t for you.

Right now they are gone let’s get a few things straight. Content – the most god awful word I have come across, it tells me two things; 1 – You don’t dream big enough, 2 – You lack drive.

Be the person striving for more, pushing yourself till it hurts, finding the limits you’ve set yourself and breaking them down.

I decided who I was going to be, I even went as far as to make a plan, a plan I have fought for, suffered for, that sure as shit was never going to be easy and I am god damn happy that it wasn’t, a plan that does not have an end and has requirements where failure or becoming ‘content’ will take everything from me.

I sit here looking at a sheet of paper, a sheet that in essence says ‘step 4 – Tick’. I don’t take more pride than that in it, it is the sum of three years and hundreds of hours, but to me it is just another bullet point. So was the £450 qualification handled in two weeks, or the few thousand hours of training and studying, even the accredited masters that requires a bank loan.

We all have something we want out of life, but we look at the road it takes to get there and shudder, the idea of sacrifice or hardship terrifies us, and so content seems like a suitable plan B. Let me say something that will get a scorn expression from many – fuck content, fuck your fear. I have had my own hell and hardships, there are moments that I would give anything to fix or get rid of from memory, but my goal, my dream requires so much god damn more. State your dream, wait no, let’s really do this –

Right now, say your dream, in 5 words or less – Might be a job/place/mood/ anything.

Next, state the minimum of what it’ll take to get there – cost/ hours/ ears/ qualifications

Now, and take this part seriously, are you brave enough? Could you take that on and accept the struggle that entails? Let us be very serious, if you look at it now, before even the first damn step in that direction and can’t say with certainty you are willing, when those moments come around that bring you to tears, that keep you awake at night, that lose you friends, to accept that this is all part of the plan, then don’t even start, and get really fucking familiar with – content.

Oh and if I need validation –

– Every damn friend I lost

– The hundreds of hours needed just to change appearance

– The tens of thousands of pounds for my qualifications

– The utter failure come competition day

– The loneliness for 3 years

– The laughter and judging

– The five years of work to just get my foot in the door

– The agony every fucking day

– The scars, history to overcome

and the rest of it that frankly if you need to hear, you were never going to be convinced anyway.

Be brave because in reality, if you aren’t living for those dreams, what is the damn point?

Aspire to Inspire.

How You’ll Know if He or She Really is “The One” – Shared/Edited

There’s a reason they call significant others “your better half”: Your love should bring out the best in you in a way that almost no one else is able to—it’s a pretty amazing thing. Rather than try to change you into someone you’re not, the right person will love you for who you are, and that love will make you want to be the best you can be. It’s a circle: You try to be awesome, they love you more, they try to be better, you love them more, and on and on until you’re sometimes so happy it’s almost gross. That’s what finding “the one” feels like.

1. You feel more comfortable with them than almost anyone else

Your walls have come down, and you don’t feel the need to impress them. You are entirely yourself, and they are entirely themselves, and even when you’re awkward or weird around each other, it doesn’t make you feel embarrassed (well, maybe just a little).

2. You’re supportive of one another without competition or jealousy

You are always, always happy when they achieve their goals, and vice versa, and you know that your relationship isn’t a competition. There is no envy, just celebration: You genuinely want to see each other to succeed.

3. You actually want to work through your problems

Making an effort to acknowledge issues in your relationship means that you actually want to fix them, and your love for your partner outweighs your need to be right. Relationships take work, and what sets the flings apart from the serious stuff is a willingness to put in that work. If someone matters to you, you will fight for them.

4. You still get butterflies when you see them

A long-term relationship isn’t a walk in the park, but when you still feel the same excitement you felt in the beginning, you know it’s something special. You never stop enjoying the pleasure of their company, and you (almost) always feel lucky to be with them.

5. Even boring things are more enjoyable when you do them together

From washing the dishes to hanging out in bed on your laptops, the most mundane activities become fun when you’re with them.

6. When you think about your future, you can’t imagine it without them

Not out of dependence, but because they’re such an integral part of your life that you just want them to be there, experiencing all the little joys and failures by your side.

7. They’re the first person you want to talk to about everything

Whether it’s good news, bad news, or that totally random dream, you immediately want to talk with them about it. They’re your best friend and your confidante, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

8. But you feel equally comfortable sitting in silence

You don’t feel like you have to fill the silence with meaningless conversation, because you’re both happy just being together. There is no pressure to talk non-stop (even though you mostly talk non-stop), and your time together always feels meaningful and awesome.

9. Everything feels better knowing they’re in your life

You’re happier, you’re more forgiving, and things just feel a little brighter. You’ve found your person in this life, and that’s pretty wonderful.